The easy part of writing is when a character comes from within your own soul. It's fairly simple to make a character interesting and multidimensional when you have an innate intimate knowledge of who they are and where they came from. But what happens when you're faced with a character who doesn't come from within, that you don't have this innate understanding of? That's why I and player Selah Phocina decided to engage in an experiment: to see how well we can write each other's primary characters and still make you, dear reader, care about them.
You'll no doubt notice some differences in dialog, events and details between our two sides, but just remember that that's part of the point. There are at least two sides to every story, and the truth falls somewhere in between.
Personally, I'm pleased with the results, and I hope you will be, too.
-Ginal Celah in real life
**This piece takes place during Part 5: Gods Bless the Broken Road, written by Ginal Celah**
It was dammed annoying how the road of life curved, bent and forked to take us places we would never have chosen. As Selah closed her eyes, she saw herself before one such fork, and for the life of her, she couldn't decide which path to walk.
You'll no doubt notice some differences in dialog, events and details between our two sides, but just remember that that's part of the point. There are at least two sides to every story, and the truth falls somewhere in between.
Personally, I'm pleased with the results, and I hope you will be, too.
-Ginal Celah in real life
**This piece takes place during Part 5: Gods Bless the Broken Road, written by Ginal Celah**
It was dammed annoying how the road of life curved, bent and forked to take us places we would never have chosen. As Selah closed her eyes, she saw herself before one such fork, and for the life of her, she couldn't decide which path to walk.
The path to the right went on into the horizon, straight, clear and uncomplicated. It was a familiar path, for she had been walking this path for years since she escaped her life of torment and servitude in Coerthas. It was a path that allowed her the freedom to live her life on her own terms, go where she pleased, and answer only to herself. It was the path of freedom and independence that she desperately held to, for she had sworn to herself to never again lose control of her own life.
Then there was the path on the left. This path went through territory unknown: through a cluttered and rocky pass, over a restless and raging river, and to a dark and foreboding wood. She knew this to be a path of great risk, for to walk this path would mean to answer to another aside from herself. It would mean to expose her heart and soul as she had never done, to make herself completely emotionally naked.
It was the path to a life with Ginal Celah.
Ever since Selah had met the lovely young lancer during a training trial in Gridania, the road of Selah's life had begun to bend, clutter, and occasionally break with greater and greater frequency. What began as a simple attraction and a desire to aid a fellow lancer, quickly blossomed into a recognition of the soul, and a genuine concern and fondness. Now, after having fought alongside the miqo'te, traveled with her, shared meals and conversation, and shared a briefly intimate embrace, the dragoon felt terrified. She was terrified, because she knew she was beginning to fall for Ginal.
Selah's needs and desires had always been satisfied by one night encounters or brief partnerships. The hyur had never needed, or even wanted, anything longer or greater. Again, it was damned annoying how the road of life could could bend and break, for Selah's heart was beginning to call for something longer and greater.
And it was calling for Ginal.
So now, as Selah held her eyes shut and envisioned herself before the fork in the road, she continued to look from one path, to the other. The right path; clear, straight, uncomplicated...and now, somehow, strangely empty. Or the left path; uncertain, winding, complicated and frightening...and yet, with a potentially great fulfillment at its end.
Which path of this broken road?
It was past midday in the southern Shroud, and soon enough to enter evening. Selah rode atop her chocobo Dinornis, ahead of Ginal and merchants in their wagon, as she kept watch for the myriad forms of trouble that the Shroud could hide and throw at careless travelers beneath its thick web of high reaching branches. The merchants and their mercenary guards had traveled halfway between Quarrymill and Buscaron's Druthers, accompanied all the while by the unending choir of local day birds. The dragoon looked over her shoulder at the inexplicable feeling of being watched, and found the miqo'te behind her staring at her.
There's that look, again.
It was the same starry-eyed stare that was always accompanied by that adorable blush that seemed unique to Ginal. It was that look of idolizing adoration, heartfelt appreciation and deeply buried desire that was as disconcerting as it was wonderful to bask in. It was something the auburn haired woman had only ever seen from this miqo'te.
Ever since Selah had met the lovely young lancer during a training trial in Gridania, the road of Selah's life had begun to bend, clutter, and occasionally break with greater and greater frequency. What began as a simple attraction and a desire to aid a fellow lancer, quickly blossomed into a recognition of the soul, and a genuine concern and fondness. Now, after having fought alongside the miqo'te, traveled with her, shared meals and conversation, and shared a briefly intimate embrace, the dragoon felt terrified. She was terrified, because she knew she was beginning to fall for Ginal.
Selah's needs and desires had always been satisfied by one night encounters or brief partnerships. The hyur had never needed, or even wanted, anything longer or greater. Again, it was damned annoying how the road of life could could bend and break, for Selah's heart was beginning to call for something longer and greater.
And it was calling for Ginal.
So now, as Selah held her eyes shut and envisioned herself before the fork in the road, she continued to look from one path, to the other. The right path; clear, straight, uncomplicated...and now, somehow, strangely empty. Or the left path; uncertain, winding, complicated and frightening...and yet, with a potentially great fulfillment at its end.
Which path of this broken road?
It was past midday in the southern Shroud, and soon enough to enter evening. Selah rode atop her chocobo Dinornis, ahead of Ginal and merchants in their wagon, as she kept watch for the myriad forms of trouble that the Shroud could hide and throw at careless travelers beneath its thick web of high reaching branches. The merchants and their mercenary guards had traveled halfway between Quarrymill and Buscaron's Druthers, accompanied all the while by the unending choir of local day birds. The dragoon looked over her shoulder at the inexplicable feeling of being watched, and found the miqo'te behind her staring at her.
There's that look, again.
It was the same starry-eyed stare that was always accompanied by that adorable blush that seemed unique to Ginal. It was that look of idolizing adoration, heartfelt appreciation and deeply buried desire that was as disconcerting as it was wonderful to bask in. It was something the auburn haired woman had only ever seen from this miqo'te.
Why does she keep looking at me like that? I'm nowhere near worth that kind adoration.
The redhead seemed to finally realize she had been noticed, and her face flushed that adorable crimson. Selah grinned and gave a playful wink that caused the younger woman to turn away. In the dragoon's eyes, there truly had never been so undeniably cute a woman.
The hyur resumed her point watch as she affectionately pat Dinornis.
"A nice, quiet stretch, eh boy?" She asked of the bird. No sooner spoken, when Ginal called out,
"Did you hear that? A snapping sound." Selah narrowed her eyes as she searched around for the cause of the noise she hadn't heard.
I'd never be amubushed with Ginal around, that's for sure.
Ginal's senses had proven to be every bit as sharp as her people were credited for, a quality she felt considerably more appreciative of after the last time she had been involved with a miqo'te woman. She remembered D'itria having rocks for brains and the attention span of a ladybug. Selah had only kept the woman around for her talented tongue. It wasn't the first time the dragoon had been led by her loins.
Nophica knows I hate those desperate days...
The hyur shook off the thoughts and returned her attention to the moment at hand, just in time to hear for herself the rustling and snapping sounds coming from the underbrush to their right. In an instant, the warrior women had dismounted their birds and drawn their lances. Dinornis stretched and fluttered his wings, kwehing that he was ready for a fight, while Ginal sent her battle untrained bird to stay with the merchant cart.
Then came the ziz, an entire pack of the brightly colored, horned reptiles emerged from the wood, the fins on their heads and backs up in their attacks stance. Selah leaped, and soared into the fray, bringing the tip of her lance expertly down into one reptile's skull to immediately end its threat. The hyur looked over to check on her companion, and found that her battle behavior was suddenly much different than before.
Ginal was twirling and leaping about in her attacks in a manner that seemed almost an attempt to mimic Selah's own dragoon form, and while it was true that the miqo'te showed promise well above most of Ywain's other current trainees, this seemed both too advanced for someone of Ginal's skill level, and unnecessarily flashy to be practical. Selah noticed a small grin on the miqo'te's lips as Ginal quickly glanced over at her mentor.
The dragoon brushed an auburn bang from her face as another snarling ziz barreled down on her with its nose-horn forward. With an easy sidestep she avoided the clumsy assault, and put her lance deep into the reptile's side. She withdrew her weapon and turned back to watch her miqo'te companion, and saw that she was still moving in that flashy manner.
As well, the redhead fought almost as though she were back in the Canopy, flirting and teasing the male patrons. Ginal would feign lowering her guard, and lash out with a thrust or spin-attack every time a ziz would would seek to engage her.
What are you doing, girl?
The dragoon met the lancer's gaze, and Ginal gave a playful smirk. Her battle behavior changed again, this time with the miqo'te assuming low bending stances that gave unobstructed views of her cleavage, or bending at her waist to give the hyur a look at her panties.
You want my attention, do you? This is hardly the time. You'll get yourself killed acting like that in combat.
Gods dammit, she knows how to make me want to look.
With a few more thrusts, jumps, sidesteps and twirls, the few remaining ziz of the pack called to each other for a withdraw, and trampled their way back into the wood whence they came.
Selah noticed the ziz blood and scales on Dinornis' talons and beak, and smiled proudly as she caressed his neck, "Did you get yourself a ziz? That's my good boy!"
The bird proudly kwehed as the dragoon pulled some gyshal greens from her saddle bag and fed the chocobo the treat.
As the warrior-women mounted up, Selah caught Ginal's gaze and couldn't help but give a knowing grin. The redhead looked down as she bit her lip and blushed, the realization of her behavior a moment ago seeming to finally dawn on her. The dragoon laughed softly as admitted to herself that she was most certainly not above a free look up an attractive girl's skirt. Ginal looked good in green, anyway.
The last time a woman had been so blatant toward Selah was that barmaid from Limsa she met a year ago. Selah grinned widely to herself as she led the caravan on its way. She remembered the blond haired, blue eyed hyur vixen had a backside to rival an elezen, and gods be good, was she one hell of a kisser. Why, the two had spent nearly an hour just...
Selah blinked as she came back to reality. She looked down at herself and frowned with a sharp sigh.
Well damn. Went and made myself wet. Has it been that long since I've had a good roll-around?
Hours had passed, and it was soon to be sunset by the time the travelers arrived at Buscaron's Druthers. The merchant couple had business and pleasantries to tend to with Buscaron, so they decided to rest here overnight. Selah knew an opportunity when she saw one. There was a ziz breeding ground just a walk north of the Druthers, and not only could Ginal use some extra training, she needed an honest chastising.
I don't care how much she turns me on, I can't let that kind of behavior slide. She has to know that it's too damned dangerous.
As the two unpacked their saddlebags onto the shelves of the small room they'd be sharing, Selah looked over her shoulder and briefly watched Ginal, suddenly feeling much more serious. It's true that Selah was more attracted to miqo'te women than other races, and it's true that much of what she was feeling right now was due to a rather raging need to take a new bed partner, but it wasn't just raw sexual attraction that was driving Selah where Ginal was concerned.
Every time the dragoon had looked into the younger woman's eyes, she had seen a fear, and a sadness, and a pain that lie just beneath the surface. Something that the redhead was obviously trying to mask and bury, but could never escape. Selah recognized it so easily, for it mirrored her own.
What have you been through, Kitten? Have you suffered as much as I have?
"I'll take the bottom bed, if you don't mind." the dragoon stated matter-of-factly to Ginal.
The miqo'te paused for a moment to think about it, then shrugged with a nod. Truthfully, Selah thought Ginal might need the extra privacy. The last thing the redhead would need is for Selah to come down from the top bunk to find her companion betrayed by her own arousal. Selah still clearly remembered that poking sensation from their embrace in the Canopy.
"Meet me in the yard when you're ready," the auburn haired warrior told Ginal.
"Ready for what? I thought we were turning in for the eveing?" Ginal inquired.
The dragoon set her enchanted relic weapon against the wall, "We're going hunting. There's a ziz breeding ground a short distance away, and I think we could use a chance to practice."
The frown that formed on the miqo'te's face was enough to convey the thought of "You mean I need practice, right?" The dragoon simply shrugged and headed outside.
The hyur wondered if that pain is what she had seen surface during Ginal's trial weeks ago. It made sense, now that Selah consciously thought about it, since Ginal didn't display that rage until she had been taunted so badly. Perhaps it had been more cruel of Selah than she originally thought. Was it to do with the lancer being a hermaphrodite?
Selah had been putting pieces together for days now, and she finally had a picture clear enough to make some sense of. Maybe she so relentlessly teased and taunted the men around her because she knew she could act out without becoming aroused? Aside from the way she kept giving Selah that look, she had also seen the miqo'te occasionally attempt to hide her glances toward other woman. It was clear enough to the dragoon that Ginal had only an interest in women.
And that brilliant capacity for aggression she carried, maybe that was the result of some sort of abuse suffered? There was also a bit of gossip that circulated among some of the lancer woman, with words like "freak" and phrases like "did I really see that?" being thrown about. It seemed that, unfortunately, Ginal's attempts at privacy and discretion had only drawn some unwanted snooping.
Then there was, of course, that embrace in the Carline Canopy, where the miqo'te's eyes had pleaded with Selah, "Please just take me." The poking sensation that followed was enough to set the hyur on a search for some answers to her questions.
There were also questions in her mind like, "how formed are her parts?" and "how functional is she, anyway?" Not to mention the lingering curiosity of "can she even use that thing during an intimate moment?" If she could, how would it be? Would it be like..?
Ah, Loetgeim...
Loetgeim had been the longest, not to mention loudest, sweatiest and most exhausting relationship, of Selah's life. The roegadyn pirate princess was as ruthless in bed as she was in battle, and had absolutely perfected bringing the dragoon to her knees with that obsidian carved toy... It's too bad she had turned out to be a murdering psychopath. Killing your own sister for a larger share of profit wasn't something Selah could condone on any level, and she had been only too happy to be back on dry land.
The hyur sighed at herself and shook her head as she walked out into the central yard of the Druthers.
I haven't thought of any of these women in ages. What's gotten into me? Why do I suddenly need so badly to remember them?
Selah marched up to a traveling weapons merchant she noticed on their way in, and began browsing over his displayed wares.
"Something you're looking for in particular, Miss?" the older hyur man asked.
"Hmm...this one." she answered as she hefted a steel bladed lance from its display. Selah twirled the lance overhead and gauged its weight and balance. "I'll give you one thousand for it," she said to the merchant.
The man looked positively offended at the words, "That's high quality Ishgardian steel, the very same used to slay dragons! It's worth several thousand on the open market!"
"It isn't either of those," the dragoon retorted. "But it is still quality steel work. Fifteen hundred, plus...this." Selah pulled a small tourmaline crafted ring from her belt pouch, "It's aether enchanted, worth a few grand at least."
The older man studied the ring for a moment, "Two thousand and the ring, and it's a deal."
"Done." Selah answered. She scattered some coins before the merchant and rested her new lance over her shoulder.
The dragoon turned to find Ginal walking up to her and eyeing the new weapon, "What's that?"
Selah grinned at her companion, "I thought I'd even things up between us. No Dinornis, no enchanted weapons." She saw the look of annoyance on the miqo'te's face, and understood that she felt condescended to.
Sorry, Kitten, but I've got a point to make.
After crossing over the river just outside the outpost, and an hour's hike north, they came to a relatively clear place among the trees, where there were a handful of the lumbering reptiles feeding, mating, and sleeping. They hid behind a large boulder that jutted from the ground, and silently watched for a long moment to take in the scene.
The hyur beckoned her companion a few steps away from the hiding place, "First, I want you to try a technique called phlebotomize." Ginal nodded, having apparently heard of the technique. "The idea is," Selah hefted her lance and made several quick jabs to emphasize her words, "to identify a small number of veins and puncture them. It's rarely enough to kill, but it causes some short term bleed-out and can severely weaken."
"Right," Ginal answered.
"Second, remember to be mindful of the order in which you deploy your techniques. For example, you should open with a phlebotomize to maximize its use to you. Use it too late into a fight, and it's worthless to even try." Again Selah saw that look on Ginal's face, the one that said she knew she was being condescended to.
Selah chose to ignore it.
"And last...that behavior from earlier? The sexy bending, the false vulnerability. Stop it." her tone came harsh and scolding, causing the miqo'te's ears to droop in embarrassment. She rested a hand on Ginal's shoulder, "Kitten, I like having you around, but that kind of behavior in combat can get you killed." Their gaze met, and she knew the lancer saw the sincerity in her eyes.
"I got it. I'll stay focused," Ginal answered.
I'd cry if I lost you, now...
They rose and stepped back to their hiding place behind the boulder, again watching and waiting as they took the unchanging scene in. They charged from their hiding place, and taught the ziz how an ambush truly looks. With a flurry of thrusts, sidesteps, twirls, jump, jabs and feints, it was over.
The lance wielders walked away from their field of victory covered in ziz ichor, and headed straight for the nearby river as the orange and red of the setting sun washed over the wood.
"You see?" Selah asked as she pointed ahead, "The river forms into a few small pools that are perfect for a cool bath."
Ginal nodded, but seemed distracted by her thoughts, and tense.
I know, you don't want me to see. That's okay.
"I'll take the pool down that way, and you can take this one." the dragoon offered.
Ginal immediately relaxed and nodded with a smile, "Sounds great! I can wash up my clothes, too." Selah smiled and left the miqo'te to herself as she walked to her own private pool.
The hyur stripped out of her subligar, top and boots, and stepped into the cold water. The chilled water sent a pleasant shiver through her body, and she began to scrub her clothes against the rocks.
She looked over her shoulder to where Ginal was, and felt her heart aching. It was becoming harder by the day to not tell the younger woman what she felt.
I want to take you... I want to try to be with you... I...I think I love you...
These feelings were making her crazy. She hated feeling this way. Selah never wanted to be in love, never needed to be close to someone. She liked her life as it was, she relished her freedom, and yet...And yet, the idea of answering to Ginal wasn't so bad. The thought of letting the miqo'te into her heart, to see her from wasn't nearly so awful a thought as it had been in previous years.
So what if we tried? What then? If it somehow lasted? If it we somehow worked? Where would we go from there?
It wasn't a thought that Selah enjoyed. Her own experience with marriage had been beyond horrible, and she had no desire to be put in that same position. It didn't help that some of her observations on other marriages weren't exactly what dreams were made of.
Like Hanama Nama...
An old friend of Selah's, the wife of successful merchant man, Hanama had everything she caould ask for: A large and well furnished home, more money than she could ever spend, competent maids who tended to all needed housework, and a complete and total lack of love or affection. Of course, that was to be expected, since her friend's marriage wasn't even voluntary. Arranged marriages had a way of sucking the very joy out of your soul, something the dragoon was all too familiar with.
What began as a friendship and an understanding of what her friend was made to live through eventually escalated to a night of wine fueled passion, hosted at a sort of place that boated mirrored ceilings and musicians hidden in the walls.
Selah admired her friend's decision to eke out her own happiness, and her refusal to be a victim to her husband's affairs away from home. Still though, one night was enough, and Selah decided it was best to pull away a bit and simply retain a friendship.
It that all there is to marriage? Abuse. lies, and secrets?
Some people seem happy enough, though...
She finished scrubbing at her clothes and set them aside to dry. She splashed herself over and submerged under the water a few times to wash herself as well. The hyur frowned and shook her head at her thoughts. All these women, despite the differences in their backgrounds and life goals, had one thing in common: They were all only in the moment.
Fun and some temporary company was all Selah ever needed. She never felt like she wanted more in her life to be happy, but now... Now, she felt like she honestly wanted to try for something longer, for something deeper.
But was she serious about this? Was she just out to find another temporary lover?
I don't want to hurt you, Kitten...You deserve better.
She only felt this way when she though of Ginal.
What is it about you, Kitten, that's gotten so under my skin? And why have I felt all along like I've known you before?
Ginal wasn't anyone from Selah's past. She was different, rare, unique even, among all the people Selah had ever met. Her physical state of being didn't even factor into it. Ginal had a natural competence in battle that you knew you could trust to watch your back. She had that adorable blush that told you she'd never get used to being complimented or looked at. That genuine, joyful smile that lit up whatever room she was in... And that other look in her eyes, beyond the pain and fear. That look that, when their gazes met and lingered, told Selah "I promise I'd try as hard as you would."
The dragoon sat back against the rocks and closed her eyes. She again saw herself standing before that fork in the road of her life. Left or right? Uncertainty or familiarity? Absolute freedom, or freedom to be shared? This frightening yet comforting, and all consuming feeling in her heart, would not be reasoned with or pushed aside.
She knew, now, that she'd never no peace along the right path unless she at least tried to walk the left one. And, Twelve damn it all, Selah was a lancer, too. Lancers faced danger and uncertainty head on, without the need for shield and bulky armor like their gladiator and paladin cousins.
"Composure of self, and a determined will."
Master Ywain's favorite words had never seemed so appropriate. So with a shift of her weight, and step forward, followed by another, and another, Selah Phocina began to walk the left path. It was the most frightening, and proud moment of her life.
And maybe, just maybe...If she could get this one thing right...If she could give this beautiful, adoring young woman the love she deserved, and help her through her pain...maybe she could shut the door on her own.
Nothing lasts forever...but maybe this one will.
**Please read Companion Piece 4: Another Mile of Broken Road-Ginal's Side for the full effect of this story**
"A nice, quiet stretch, eh boy?" She asked of the bird. No sooner spoken, when Ginal called out,
"Did you hear that? A snapping sound." Selah narrowed her eyes as she searched around for the cause of the noise she hadn't heard.
I'd never be amubushed with Ginal around, that's for sure.
Ginal's senses had proven to be every bit as sharp as her people were credited for, a quality she felt considerably more appreciative of after the last time she had been involved with a miqo'te woman. She remembered D'itria having rocks for brains and the attention span of a ladybug. Selah had only kept the woman around for her talented tongue. It wasn't the first time the dragoon had been led by her loins.
Nophica knows I hate those desperate days...
The hyur shook off the thoughts and returned her attention to the moment at hand, just in time to hear for herself the rustling and snapping sounds coming from the underbrush to their right. In an instant, the warrior women had dismounted their birds and drawn their lances. Dinornis stretched and fluttered his wings, kwehing that he was ready for a fight, while Ginal sent her battle untrained bird to stay with the merchant cart.
Then came the ziz, an entire pack of the brightly colored, horned reptiles emerged from the wood, the fins on their heads and backs up in their attacks stance. Selah leaped, and soared into the fray, bringing the tip of her lance expertly down into one reptile's skull to immediately end its threat. The hyur looked over to check on her companion, and found that her battle behavior was suddenly much different than before.
Ginal was twirling and leaping about in her attacks in a manner that seemed almost an attempt to mimic Selah's own dragoon form, and while it was true that the miqo'te showed promise well above most of Ywain's other current trainees, this seemed both too advanced for someone of Ginal's skill level, and unnecessarily flashy to be practical. Selah noticed a small grin on the miqo'te's lips as Ginal quickly glanced over at her mentor.
The dragoon brushed an auburn bang from her face as another snarling ziz barreled down on her with its nose-horn forward. With an easy sidestep she avoided the clumsy assault, and put her lance deep into the reptile's side. She withdrew her weapon and turned back to watch her miqo'te companion, and saw that she was still moving in that flashy manner.
As well, the redhead fought almost as though she were back in the Canopy, flirting and teasing the male patrons. Ginal would feign lowering her guard, and lash out with a thrust or spin-attack every time a ziz would would seek to engage her.
What are you doing, girl?
The dragoon met the lancer's gaze, and Ginal gave a playful smirk. Her battle behavior changed again, this time with the miqo'te assuming low bending stances that gave unobstructed views of her cleavage, or bending at her waist to give the hyur a look at her panties.
You want my attention, do you? This is hardly the time. You'll get yourself killed acting like that in combat.
Gods dammit, she knows how to make me want to look.
With a few more thrusts, jumps, sidesteps and twirls, the few remaining ziz of the pack called to each other for a withdraw, and trampled their way back into the wood whence they came.
Selah noticed the ziz blood and scales on Dinornis' talons and beak, and smiled proudly as she caressed his neck, "Did you get yourself a ziz? That's my good boy!"
The bird proudly kwehed as the dragoon pulled some gyshal greens from her saddle bag and fed the chocobo the treat.
As the warrior-women mounted up, Selah caught Ginal's gaze and couldn't help but give a knowing grin. The redhead looked down as she bit her lip and blushed, the realization of her behavior a moment ago seeming to finally dawn on her. The dragoon laughed softly as admitted to herself that she was most certainly not above a free look up an attractive girl's skirt. Ginal looked good in green, anyway.
The last time a woman had been so blatant toward Selah was that barmaid from Limsa she met a year ago. Selah grinned widely to herself as she led the caravan on its way. She remembered the blond haired, blue eyed hyur vixen had a backside to rival an elezen, and gods be good, was she one hell of a kisser. Why, the two had spent nearly an hour just...
Selah blinked as she came back to reality. She looked down at herself and frowned with a sharp sigh.
Well damn. Went and made myself wet. Has it been that long since I've had a good roll-around?
Hours had passed, and it was soon to be sunset by the time the travelers arrived at Buscaron's Druthers. The merchant couple had business and pleasantries to tend to with Buscaron, so they decided to rest here overnight. Selah knew an opportunity when she saw one. There was a ziz breeding ground just a walk north of the Druthers, and not only could Ginal use some extra training, she needed an honest chastising.
I don't care how much she turns me on, I can't let that kind of behavior slide. She has to know that it's too damned dangerous.
As the two unpacked their saddlebags onto the shelves of the small room they'd be sharing, Selah looked over her shoulder and briefly watched Ginal, suddenly feeling much more serious. It's true that Selah was more attracted to miqo'te women than other races, and it's true that much of what she was feeling right now was due to a rather raging need to take a new bed partner, but it wasn't just raw sexual attraction that was driving Selah where Ginal was concerned.
Every time the dragoon had looked into the younger woman's eyes, she had seen a fear, and a sadness, and a pain that lie just beneath the surface. Something that the redhead was obviously trying to mask and bury, but could never escape. Selah recognized it so easily, for it mirrored her own.
What have you been through, Kitten? Have you suffered as much as I have?
"I'll take the bottom bed, if you don't mind." the dragoon stated matter-of-factly to Ginal.
The miqo'te paused for a moment to think about it, then shrugged with a nod. Truthfully, Selah thought Ginal might need the extra privacy. The last thing the redhead would need is for Selah to come down from the top bunk to find her companion betrayed by her own arousal. Selah still clearly remembered that poking sensation from their embrace in the Canopy.
"Meet me in the yard when you're ready," the auburn haired warrior told Ginal.
"Ready for what? I thought we were turning in for the eveing?" Ginal inquired.
The dragoon set her enchanted relic weapon against the wall, "We're going hunting. There's a ziz breeding ground a short distance away, and I think we could use a chance to practice."
The frown that formed on the miqo'te's face was enough to convey the thought of "You mean I need practice, right?" The dragoon simply shrugged and headed outside.
The hyur wondered if that pain is what she had seen surface during Ginal's trial weeks ago. It made sense, now that Selah consciously thought about it, since Ginal didn't display that rage until she had been taunted so badly. Perhaps it had been more cruel of Selah than she originally thought. Was it to do with the lancer being a hermaphrodite?
Selah had been putting pieces together for days now, and she finally had a picture clear enough to make some sense of. Maybe she so relentlessly teased and taunted the men around her because she knew she could act out without becoming aroused? Aside from the way she kept giving Selah that look, she had also seen the miqo'te occasionally attempt to hide her glances toward other woman. It was clear enough to the dragoon that Ginal had only an interest in women.
And that brilliant capacity for aggression she carried, maybe that was the result of some sort of abuse suffered? There was also a bit of gossip that circulated among some of the lancer woman, with words like "freak" and phrases like "did I really see that?" being thrown about. It seemed that, unfortunately, Ginal's attempts at privacy and discretion had only drawn some unwanted snooping.
Then there was, of course, that embrace in the Carline Canopy, where the miqo'te's eyes had pleaded with Selah, "Please just take me." The poking sensation that followed was enough to set the hyur on a search for some answers to her questions.
There were also questions in her mind like, "how formed are her parts?" and "how functional is she, anyway?" Not to mention the lingering curiosity of "can she even use that thing during an intimate moment?" If she could, how would it be? Would it be like..?
Ah, Loetgeim...
Loetgeim had been the longest, not to mention loudest, sweatiest and most exhausting relationship, of Selah's life. The roegadyn pirate princess was as ruthless in bed as she was in battle, and had absolutely perfected bringing the dragoon to her knees with that obsidian carved toy... It's too bad she had turned out to be a murdering psychopath. Killing your own sister for a larger share of profit wasn't something Selah could condone on any level, and she had been only too happy to be back on dry land.
The hyur sighed at herself and shook her head as she walked out into the central yard of the Druthers.
I haven't thought of any of these women in ages. What's gotten into me? Why do I suddenly need so badly to remember them?
Selah marched up to a traveling weapons merchant she noticed on their way in, and began browsing over his displayed wares.
"Something you're looking for in particular, Miss?" the older hyur man asked.
"Hmm...this one." she answered as she hefted a steel bladed lance from its display. Selah twirled the lance overhead and gauged its weight and balance. "I'll give you one thousand for it," she said to the merchant.
The man looked positively offended at the words, "That's high quality Ishgardian steel, the very same used to slay dragons! It's worth several thousand on the open market!"
"It isn't either of those," the dragoon retorted. "But it is still quality steel work. Fifteen hundred, plus...this." Selah pulled a small tourmaline crafted ring from her belt pouch, "It's aether enchanted, worth a few grand at least."
The older man studied the ring for a moment, "Two thousand and the ring, and it's a deal."
"Done." Selah answered. She scattered some coins before the merchant and rested her new lance over her shoulder.
The dragoon turned to find Ginal walking up to her and eyeing the new weapon, "What's that?"
Selah grinned at her companion, "I thought I'd even things up between us. No Dinornis, no enchanted weapons." She saw the look of annoyance on the miqo'te's face, and understood that she felt condescended to.
Sorry, Kitten, but I've got a point to make.
After crossing over the river just outside the outpost, and an hour's hike north, they came to a relatively clear place among the trees, where there were a handful of the lumbering reptiles feeding, mating, and sleeping. They hid behind a large boulder that jutted from the ground, and silently watched for a long moment to take in the scene.
The hyur beckoned her companion a few steps away from the hiding place, "First, I want you to try a technique called phlebotomize." Ginal nodded, having apparently heard of the technique. "The idea is," Selah hefted her lance and made several quick jabs to emphasize her words, "to identify a small number of veins and puncture them. It's rarely enough to kill, but it causes some short term bleed-out and can severely weaken."
"Right," Ginal answered.
"Second, remember to be mindful of the order in which you deploy your techniques. For example, you should open with a phlebotomize to maximize its use to you. Use it too late into a fight, and it's worthless to even try." Again Selah saw that look on Ginal's face, the one that said she knew she was being condescended to.
Selah chose to ignore it.
"And last...that behavior from earlier? The sexy bending, the false vulnerability. Stop it." her tone came harsh and scolding, causing the miqo'te's ears to droop in embarrassment. She rested a hand on Ginal's shoulder, "Kitten, I like having you around, but that kind of behavior in combat can get you killed." Their gaze met, and she knew the lancer saw the sincerity in her eyes.
"I got it. I'll stay focused," Ginal answered.
I'd cry if I lost you, now...
They rose and stepped back to their hiding place behind the boulder, again watching and waiting as they took the unchanging scene in. They charged from their hiding place, and taught the ziz how an ambush truly looks. With a flurry of thrusts, sidesteps, twirls, jump, jabs and feints, it was over.
The lance wielders walked away from their field of victory covered in ziz ichor, and headed straight for the nearby river as the orange and red of the setting sun washed over the wood.
"You see?" Selah asked as she pointed ahead, "The river forms into a few small pools that are perfect for a cool bath."
Ginal nodded, but seemed distracted by her thoughts, and tense.
I know, you don't want me to see. That's okay.
"I'll take the pool down that way, and you can take this one." the dragoon offered.
Ginal immediately relaxed and nodded with a smile, "Sounds great! I can wash up my clothes, too." Selah smiled and left the miqo'te to herself as she walked to her own private pool.
The hyur stripped out of her subligar, top and boots, and stepped into the cold water. The chilled water sent a pleasant shiver through her body, and she began to scrub her clothes against the rocks.
She looked over her shoulder to where Ginal was, and felt her heart aching. It was becoming harder by the day to not tell the younger woman what she felt.
I want to take you... I want to try to be with you... I...I think I love you...
These feelings were making her crazy. She hated feeling this way. Selah never wanted to be in love, never needed to be close to someone. She liked her life as it was, she relished her freedom, and yet...And yet, the idea of answering to Ginal wasn't so bad. The thought of letting the miqo'te into her heart, to see her from wasn't nearly so awful a thought as it had been in previous years.
So what if we tried? What then? If it somehow lasted? If it we somehow worked? Where would we go from there?
It wasn't a thought that Selah enjoyed. Her own experience with marriage had been beyond horrible, and she had no desire to be put in that same position. It didn't help that some of her observations on other marriages weren't exactly what dreams were made of.
Like Hanama Nama...
An old friend of Selah's, the wife of successful merchant man, Hanama had everything she caould ask for: A large and well furnished home, more money than she could ever spend, competent maids who tended to all needed housework, and a complete and total lack of love or affection. Of course, that was to be expected, since her friend's marriage wasn't even voluntary. Arranged marriages had a way of sucking the very joy out of your soul, something the dragoon was all too familiar with.
What began as a friendship and an understanding of what her friend was made to live through eventually escalated to a night of wine fueled passion, hosted at a sort of place that boated mirrored ceilings and musicians hidden in the walls.
Selah admired her friend's decision to eke out her own happiness, and her refusal to be a victim to her husband's affairs away from home. Still though, one night was enough, and Selah decided it was best to pull away a bit and simply retain a friendship.
It that all there is to marriage? Abuse. lies, and secrets?
Some people seem happy enough, though...
She finished scrubbing at her clothes and set them aside to dry. She splashed herself over and submerged under the water a few times to wash herself as well. The hyur frowned and shook her head at her thoughts. All these women, despite the differences in their backgrounds and life goals, had one thing in common: They were all only in the moment.
Fun and some temporary company was all Selah ever needed. She never felt like she wanted more in her life to be happy, but now... Now, she felt like she honestly wanted to try for something longer, for something deeper.
But was she serious about this? Was she just out to find another temporary lover?
I don't want to hurt you, Kitten...You deserve better.
She only felt this way when she though of Ginal.
What is it about you, Kitten, that's gotten so under my skin? And why have I felt all along like I've known you before?
Ginal wasn't anyone from Selah's past. She was different, rare, unique even, among all the people Selah had ever met. Her physical state of being didn't even factor into it. Ginal had a natural competence in battle that you knew you could trust to watch your back. She had that adorable blush that told you she'd never get used to being complimented or looked at. That genuine, joyful smile that lit up whatever room she was in... And that other look in her eyes, beyond the pain and fear. That look that, when their gazes met and lingered, told Selah "I promise I'd try as hard as you would."
The dragoon sat back against the rocks and closed her eyes. She again saw herself standing before that fork in the road of her life. Left or right? Uncertainty or familiarity? Absolute freedom, or freedom to be shared? This frightening yet comforting, and all consuming feeling in her heart, would not be reasoned with or pushed aside.
She knew, now, that she'd never no peace along the right path unless she at least tried to walk the left one. And, Twelve damn it all, Selah was a lancer, too. Lancers faced danger and uncertainty head on, without the need for shield and bulky armor like their gladiator and paladin cousins.
"Composure of self, and a determined will."
Master Ywain's favorite words had never seemed so appropriate. So with a shift of her weight, and step forward, followed by another, and another, Selah Phocina began to walk the left path. It was the most frightening, and proud moment of her life.
And maybe, just maybe...If she could get this one thing right...If she could give this beautiful, adoring young woman the love she deserved, and help her through her pain...maybe she could shut the door on her own.
Nothing lasts forever...but maybe this one will.
**Please read Companion Piece 4: Another Mile of Broken Road-Ginal's Side for the full effect of this story**